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Source Code Analysis

Secure your source code and review your development practices

Best Cyber Security Company 2021

Best Cyber Security Company 2021

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Best Cyber Security Company 2022

Crest Accreditation

Application security is a growing concern for organisations, as the increasing cost of failed security controls means a traditional penetration testing approach may not provide the necessary depth of assurance for mission-critical environments.

At Sentrium, we meticulously analyse your source code to identify nuanced vulnerabilities and determine precise mitigations that are less likely to be found with traditional application testing.

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Source code gradient levels with code in the center

What is Source Code Analysis?

Source Code Analysis uses manual and automated processes to systematically review an application’s source code and identify security flaws in the design and implementation. Source Code Analysis gives you maximum levels of assurance in your application’s code and configurations.

Why your organisation needs Source Code Analysis

  • Source Code Analysis can be performed at any stage during the SDLC, without the need for a live deployment.

  • Your developers gain greater flexibility to make changes alongside security testing without delaying deployment.

  • Your developers will further understand the importance of security best practices when coding secure applications going forward.

  • Gain a higher level of assurance in your application’s security.

  • Your business can reduce risk, avoid release delays, ensure security best practice, and protect your assets.

Our approach to Source Code Analysis

Our consultants apply highly-detailed assessment practices for applications developed with a wide range of programming languages including Java, PHP, ASP.NET (C#) and Python. Working with your application’s source code enables us to identify vulnerabilities from the inside-out and provide expert advice on remediation. We empower you to maintain security best practices throughout the development process.

Tailored to your budget and requirements, we employ manual and automated Source Code Analysis techniques:

Manual analysis

  • Often reserved for mission-critical applications or environments with stringent security requirements.
  • Requires in-depth knowledge of programming languages and security issues.
  • Provides full visibility of complex, nuanced vulnerabilities and offers comprehensive coverage.

Automated analysis

  • Performed with automated tools to efficiently and effectively identify misconfigurations and vulnerabilities.
  • Faster and less expensive than a manual analysis approach.
  • Allows optimised continuous integration and delivery within CI/CD pipeline.

Get in touch with our experts to discuss your needs

Phone +44(0)1242 388634 or email [email protected]